New tengwar modes added to BSSScribe!

BSSScribe – a Tengwar, Cirth and Glagolitic transcriber was updated.

The following changes were made since the last update:


  • Phonemic Cirth mode for English* according to Dan Smith's table included with Cirth Erebor font family;
  • “Later Convention” aka “Westron” phonemic full Tengwar mode for English* according to Amanye Tenceli site;
  • “Later Convention” Tengwar mode for Sindarin;


  • “ph” in English mode is now transcribed with EXTENDED PARMA;
  • transcription of “qui” sequence in English and Quenya modes;
  • depending on selected font and vowel, some tehtar are now transcribed with mirrored (below) versions with HYARMEN;
  • some “escape”-sequences were not working;
  • forced tehtar over hooks are now rendered better;
  • dot over carrier in the mode of Beleriand is now placed only if it's adjacent to tengwar from the first six grades;
  • initial “ё”, “ю”, “я” in Cyrillic mode were broken in previous update;
  • in full modes the Eldamar font's ligatures were wrong before vowels;
  • “h” was transcribed wrong in Cirth modes;
  • after switching between transcription directions the fonts did not match the encoding;
  • one of the sample texts had typos;

(*) for English phonemic modes only General American accent is supported. Pronunciation of individual words is taken from dictionaries, so if you want to correct just one letter you have to spell the whole word using “raw codes” or IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). 

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